NEW RELEASE: Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story

I love this book so much. It’s more than a little bit ridiculous, focuses on the most normal (read: geeky) side of Seattle, and glorifies friendship. And it’s available in ebook today on all the major platforms. (But not in print yet because I’m still working on layout problems.) You can already read a sample…

Trends in Urban Fantasy

Your Christmas present from me: a discussion of trends in urban fantasy by the seven authors involved in the Under an Enchanted Skyline boxed set. (Available at all the major ebook retailers for 99c through December 30, 2014.) Without further ado, here is the question in… well… question. Although Urban Fantasy is popular right now,…

Release: Two Boxed Sets

I’m super-excited to be involved with two boxed sets that just came out. So, if you like getting books for cheap and/or need something to read during your upcoming holiday travel, I can point you at 1600+ pages of awesome. 1. Damaged Worlds: A Multi-Author Dystopian Science Fiction Boxed Set Rejecting “This is for your…

Two New Science Fiction Stories

If you like short science fiction, you’re in luck! I’ve got two new stories out for the Kindle this month. Life has been crazy-busy with Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story and organizing TWO boxed sets. Still, here’s some cool stuff for readers who love SF. If you can’t read the fine print in your browser…


I’ve been telling you for weeks that I’d have a Kickstarter for Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story, and here it is. Would you believe it’s a STAFF PICK? The first 30 seconds of the video are from the beginning of the novel, as read by Jon of ManyATrueNerd (because his voice is cooler than mine;…

Videoblog – Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story Sample

In my second ever video blog, I read a sample from my upcoming novel, Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story. So far, I only have one more of these videos planned, so let me know if you think I should continue. Enjoy the video.

Videoblog – Behind the Novel

In my very first video blog ever, I discuss the background for my upcoming novel, Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story, and the Kickstarter I plan to launch for it. I’m planning to do three video blogs as an experiment in the medium. So please let me know if you think they’re worthwhile. Enjoy the video!

Challenge Completed! Sneak peak at Goodwin’s Road.

Every year, I manage to set a ridiculously oversized goal for my Clarion West Write-a-thon project. And every year, I somehow manage it in between bouts of self-doubt and stress shopping. (Also every year, I resolve that I won’t do this again next time. This resolution, obviously, fails.) This year, my goal was to finish…

These Convergent Stars Free Till Sunday

Today through Sunday (27 July 2014), These Convergent Stars is free on the Kindle platform. No matter what country you’re in. If you don’t have a copy yet, and you’re into Terran shapeshifters causing semi-humorous trouble for their alien doppelgangers, now would be a great time to grab one. And to tell your friends. And…

Clarion West Write-a-thon. Again.

For the third year in the row, I’m participating in the Clarion West Write-a-thon. Hence, this blog will probably be about that for the next six weeks. Background – What is Clarion West? Clarion West is a six week intensive course for science fiction and fantasy writers. It’s held in Seattle yearly and boasts some…

Janine A. Southard is a Writer & Editor for narrative projects. She's a proven talent when it comes to mimicking voices and crafting content for videogames, articles, & fiction.